Field harrison mint dentistry
Field harrison mint dentistry

I couldn’t be more proud of all the individuals who have made MINT Dentistry what it is today. With our MINTerior designed dental offices (and my incredible MINTerior design team!), outstanding support staff, and luxurious dental experience-I’m not surprised our customers, clients, and MINT family have called us number one in their 5-star reviews. What started as one dentist office at Mockingbird Station 10 years ago is now over 50+ (and growing) offices across the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston metroplexes. We are honored and humbled by the support we’ve received from friends, family, and mentors along the journey and grateful to the incredible staff and employees who have made this company the best and fastest-growing dentistry in the nation! MINT Dentistry celebrated 10 years this month and Field and I couldn’t be happier with the growth, success, and what we can only describe as God-given favor that this company has experienced over the last decade. And we are blessed to be able to turn it into a house of worship every Sunday at 10 am.Anniversary |ˌanəˈvərs(ə)rē| noun: the date on which an event took place in a previous year: Happy Anniversary, MINT Dentistry! The Meyerson Symphony Center was made for worship. God planted a seed in our hearts when we visited the symphony years ago – and now, that seed has grown into a CHURCH. We are simply answering the call of God placed on our hearts: to grow God’s Kingdom on earth through the Church.

field harrison mint dentistry

We are not pastors and have no intention of carrying that title. In 2021, God called my husband to plant a church in downtown Dallas. Our heartbeat has always been to grow the Church and to equip believers to live out the Gospel of Jesus. With over 1000+ employees and numerous corporations, he’s navigated the treacherous waters in business and remained rooted and strengthened in faith. He is encouraging and equipping the next generation of leaders. He is an amazing husband, daddy, entrepreneur, philanthropist, speaker, and visionary leader. He leads our family, our businesses, and our MINT team to uncharted territory. He is a leading voice of innovation, inspiration, and influence in dentistry, business, and faith. I am amazed at how incredibly brilliant my husband is. He is now living his dream and his passion to serve others is greater than ever. By God’s grace, my husband’s vision, faith, and pioneering spirit allowed him to start small, dream big, take risks, and step out into the unknown. Field has the experience and wisdom that takes everyone around him to new levels of success. Many years ago, Field had his mind set on radically improving the dental experience.

field harrison mint dentistry

Field Harrison is the President and Founder of MINT Dentistry with 85 locations throughout DFW, Houston, and Georgia. I am so proud and blessed to be his wifey! His incredible faith, humility, and generous spirit inspire me every day. I love watching him grow everyone and everything around him. Field has a remarkable gift of inspiring and leading people to discover and release their brilliance. I admire his ability to maximize every moment and how he lives in a constant state of giftedness and gratefulness. He can always find something to be thankful for. I celebrate and honor his love and life forever! Field is the most grateful person I have EVER met.

field harrison mint dentistry

My husband, my best friend, my forever, my favorite, my baby daddy, my greatest blessing, my playmate, my strongest motivation, my deepest love, my biggest smile, my greatest support, my king, my soul mate, and the love of my life! I’m convinced this man was hand-picked and kingdom appointed just for me.

Field harrison mint dentistry